Personal development group for youngsters

When I was a child I remember discovering in my mother’s library a booklet that introduced me in the basics of numerology, and this different face of numbers fascinated me. Since then I became curios and eager to discover more about the human’s nature and so my steps guided me towards psychology. From that moment my horizons broaden, towards even more books, people, courses and experiences that helped me to become more aware and conscious about my self and life.

I’ve participated at different training’s in the context of self-development and non formal education, that triggered in me the desire to make something similar for others and so it came the idea of this meetings.

Also during my volunteering service in Czech Republic I had the opportunity to have weekly meetings with a beautiful group of girls in the context of English conversations. I’ve worked with them exercises on team building, trust, non-violent communication, storytelling, self love, happiness, personal values, strengths, emotional awareness and empathy.

This are just some of the subjects that I propose to bring in this meetings.

What to expect from this meetings?

  • experience lived through games, art and connection, and understood through sharing and self reflection;
  • to discover new things about yourself, so you can develop a clearer and authentic idea about your direction in life;
  • to develop self confidence, authenticity, self-compassion, etc.
  • to learn ways to connect in an emphatic and authentic way with people around you;
  • to gain instruments that you can use whenever you’ll need and want.

The instruments and exercises I use are gained in the last 10 years and have roots in psychology, spirituality, non-formal education and eco-centrism.

If you feel this kind of group is for you connect with me and once the group is formed we can start our meetings, till then if you are interested write me.

The group is formed from min. 4 people, max. 8. The meetings are going to be weekly or bi lunar, one meeting is going to have 2 hours, and it will be for a period of 7 months.

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